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Iโ€™ve had one of those weeks where my brain is running a ceaseless chatter with either God or with myself about a million topics. Usually during times like these, I start to feel isolated from God, which seems weird to me since I spend so much time talking to Him. Therein lies the problem, though. Talking TO God is just one-half of the equation. I need to slow down and listen as well. Not listen as in Iโ€™m meditating on Him while folding the clothes or even while singing Amazing Grace to my kid at bedtime. When my brain is running that constant monologue, I need to actively find a way to shut up and listen. I need to stop telling Him where I need guidance and what my questions are but just stop, breathe, and hear whatever He thinks I need to hear.ย  ย 
Daily Bible time is helpful here. True meditation (the kind thatโ€™s not multitasking) is helpful as well. Sometimes even those tools arenโ€™t powerful enough, though, if the monologue drone is persistent enough and loud enough. Some people find playing Christian music helps them focus. Iโ€™ve found instrumental music is the best background noise for me. Having an altar at home where I can physically kneel and pray, knowing that place is reserved for His Holy Presence has been one of my best strategies. What are some techniques you use? Surely we all struggle with those times when our internal voice goes on worse than a 5-year-old on a sugar high. Iโ€™m curious to hear what others use to shush their own thoughts and give God a chance to speak.
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