Happy Easter, SonBeams! He is risen!

We watched two different messages today. Each of them triggered a different thought for me. I'd like to share those because I realized that those separate thoughts actually work together to create a new message.

The first message stressed these words from the Scripture "we had hoped..." from Luke 24:21. These words speak of the devastating disappointment that Cleopas & his buddy felt while making the 7-mile trek from Jerusalem to Emmaus after the Crucifixion. They "had hoped" that Jesus was the answer to their prayers, "the one to redeem Israel." But all that hope was extinguished when Jesus died on the Cross.

What logical person wouldn't have drawn the same conclusion? Clearly, the story was over. How could their hopes be redeemed now, now that the one in whom they'd placed their hopes was gone? Clearly, all hope was gone.

Enter the power of God. Enter the Great Redeemer. Enter so much more possibility than our logic could ever allow for.

Enter Jesus walking alongside them.

And yet their hope was still crushed.

Jesus was walking alongside them but their hope was so crushed at His death that they didn't recognize Him.

How many times have I been that person?

Their gift was walking alongside them but their hope was so crushed at losing what they thought was their gift that they couldn't see the truly amazing gift before them!

I know - that's a really long sentence. It's such a parallel statement for so many lives today, though, that we're going to break it down and repeat it one more time.

But first let me mention the thought triggered by the 2nd message today - the idea that the verb "receive" is not passive but active. The Bible promises many blessings from God but we must receive them. If someone gives you a present, you must actually accept the gift to receive it. If they hand it to you and you don't hold out your hands to grasp it, it'll probably fall on the floor, where it'll stay if you don't take action to pick it up and receive it.

Back to Cleopas & his buddy. Their gift was walking alongside them but their hope was so crushed at losing what they thought was their gift that they couldn't see the truly amazing gift before them!

They thought that one thing was their gift (namely, that Jesus in His human form was the one to redeem Israel). That hope was crushed when Jesus died in His human form. God had a greater plan that could only be accomplished through Jesus's death. But their hope was so crushed that they were unable to receive the greater gift right there with them!

Until they did receive it. When their eyes were open and they saw Jesus for who He was.

Have you received God's blessings in Your life? Is Jesus walking alongside you but you're too immersed in grief or anger, in self-indulgence, to see him?

SonBeams, your God has a great plan for you. Prepare yourselves to receive. Acknowledge God's omnipotence and omniscience. Acknowledge His power in your life and receive His gifts.

Be careful that you don't refuse to receive the greater gift in front of because you "had hoped" for something in your past to work out differently than it did.

Hallelujah! Jesus reigns! Then, now, and forever.
Happy Easter, SonBeams! He is risen!
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