We Are SonBeams

One of my favorite scenic views is sunbeams streaming through a clouded sky.

The first time I ever took notice of this spectacular sight was in my late teen years on a road trip with my mom. She had taken over the driving duties sometime during the night, while I slept to ready myself for the next shift. I awoke in the early dawn and my eyes lazily focused on the sky, struggling to clear the cobwebs in my head. Instinctively, I looked to the sun to see how high in the sky it had risen.

Moments later, although I had focused on the spot where I knew the sun to be, I realized I couldn’t actually see it because it was hidden by the clouds. My brain had automatically determined its location based on the trajectory of the sunbeams.

That subconscious calculation was beautiful to me. As I marveled at the guiding rays of light, I realized Christians are called to provide the same service in our lives. Doubt or despair may sometimes obstruct the view of Christ for our brothers and sisters, just as clouds may obstruct the sun. But, just as sun rays point back to their origin, we are called to live our lives such that we point back to our origin. Our actions, words, and responses paint a picture to our community of what kind of God we worship.

Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35 NIV)

We are called to be SonBeams.

We Are SonBeams
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